Creative Every Day Challenge

While waiting for paint to dry today I came across Creative Every Day blog and thought I'd sign up for it. Its not about creating an artwork every day, or posting on my blog every day (thank god - I just wouldn't be able to find time to do that at all!) - but it is about actively doing something creative everyday - whether it be "cooking, taking pictures, knitting, doodling, writing, dancing, decorating, singing, playing with your kids, brainstorming ideas, gardening, or making art in the form of collage, paint, or clay...or whatever!" and if you remove the bit about the kids that sounds completely do-able for me. A large part of my creativity will probably have to be thesis based, and I can't possibly commit to posting more than once a week (most likely on Sunday which is my schedualed thesis-free day) - although I will try.

So starting today... I shall be more creative!

If you are keen for the challenge yourself - why not check out the blog and sign up!

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