Latest Pieces

These holiday's I've been working flat out trying to get a whole heap of work done! Here's a few of them...

"Painted Absence"
200 x 200mm

"Burning Like Wild Fire"
225 x 150mm

"Colours of Our Nation"
250 x 200

"Rainbow Warrior II"
450 x 600mm

I've also done one for the Edinburgh Realty Premier Art Awards here in Dunedin - just got to remember to get down there by Friday and pay the entry fee!!! This will be on from the 2nd - 31st August 2008 @ The Otago Art Society, Dunedin Railway Station.

There are also a few more pieces underway to - lots more stripes!!!

To purchase any of these peices email me I do accept commissions so am happy to produce one to match your colour scheme and budget.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tanya!

Thanks for signing up to Art Klick! Looking forward to seeing some of your art on there too :)

PS I love Colours of Our Nation! And so affordable - just need to sell some more advertising on my leg and I will be set!

Tanya Dann said...

Thanks James,

Story of an artist life really isn't it, always needing to sell!!! ;p

Your project is so ingenious! I really wish you luck with it - the first tattoo looks amazing!