Ceramics Efforts

This is my first piece in my ceramics workshop. I have created this beautifully smooth body-like form and then glazed it with a very organic looking glaze. There will be a whole series of these pieces with different glazes on them. This peice and the series are as yet untitled.

NZ Art Guild Masters Challenge

Every month NZ Art Guild members are given an artist master to use as inspiration for a work of their own. Last months master was Andy Warhol (one of my personal faves!). I submitted the following piece and was lucky enough to be voted 'Most Creative Use of Theme' by my fellow guild artists for my efforts

'Sir Ed'
Acrylic on Watercolour Paper
150 x 105mm

Playing with Photoshop and Illustrator

For once I've actually been enjoying my digital classes at school. The last few week's have been learning to create digtal works with Photoshop and Illustrator.
Further details about this work can be viewed on my artschool blog

This image was created in photoshop and was inspired by the work of Martha Rosler.

This is a vector image of myself created in Illustrator. Over 10 hours of work went into creating this piece.

Bearish Things

Yay, my sewing machine is finally fixed - which means I got to start sewing more bearish things! Here's the latest 6:

Some of these will be destined for the Starship Hospital Fundraiser I'm involved in, I haven't decided which ones yet, but I'll be donating at least 4 of them.